Whereupon I intermittently complain about my
programming difficulties and offer little help to anyone.

Thursday, April 30, 2009


I've started twinfountain.wordpress.com. It's a testing ground for content management and tagging to use in other sites, particularly the soon to be significantly de-Flashed Pratt CSDS site. That site is going to be a wonderful confluence of technologies when we get it right.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Oh and also...

The Pratt CSDS site is now live. Constantly in flux and with a Flash based interactive map. Luckily I only have to manage and update the Flash, not write real code.


While I should focus on redesigning the actual site, I think the blog needs an overhaul too. Hating templates, but not sure what to do otherwise.

UPDATE: Went with this strange template, with minor edits. Both columns are fluid based on percentages, I imagine. We'll see.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Checking back in.

The site mentioned in the last post was fredandmartin.com which is now live. I like it very much, though there is a glitch in Safari and Opera where the site seems to "jump" when changing pages. So more than 2 months later, that's done.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

new things

Began new project today as we began a new administration. A playful artsy portfolio site. I borrowed a bit of the design for twinfountain.com's 404 page. I should probably give it to the client. They are the designers. I probably should not have mentioned it.

I also tidied up the design of twinfountain.com. Take a little look-see. It's cleaner and a bit more modern, if you ask me.